Friday, November 4, 2011

Senior Bulletin #7

Last Chance for 4 Year Colleges!!
Friday, November 4th is the last deadline for the December ACT test.  Tuesday, November 8th is the last SAT deadline for the December test.  Mrs. Hall has ACT fee waivers, but no SAT fee waivers.  You can complete a paper SAT and request a fee waiver.  If you have not yet tested, you must complete testing by December.  Be sure to list your colleges when you apply.  You need either the SAT Reasoning test or the ACT for UC's, CSU's and all four year colleges.  You do not need these tests for community colleges, or trade/tech colleges.

CSU/UC workshops
We will have online application workshops on Tuesday, November 8 and Thursday, November 10 in G11 for CSU, UC and the Common Application (private colleges), periods 2-6.  Teacher permission is required.  Bring your transcript and social security #, and parent income information.  Start work before you come to a workshop on,, and  Reminder that all CSU and UC applications are due by November 30th.

College Info Session for Seniors interested in out of state colleges on Wednesday, November 16th at 6:30pm.  McNeill Senior Center in Baldwin Park.  See Mrs. Hall for a flyer.

Scholarship Information
KFC scholarship for 2.75 GPA and up- apply at  Apply December 1-February 8.
Deadline extended for the scholarship (girls only-win a laptop).  New deadline is November 21st.
Join PTSA!!  Cost is $5.  You can put this on your application and qualify for scholarships in the Spring
We will focus on FAFSA (financial aid) and community colleges in December through March.

Questions???  See you counselor!!