So you're applied to Mt SAC and you've taken your placement tests...what's next? Our Mt SAC Representative will be on campus to pass out Placement test results, explain them to you, let you know where you place for math and english classes, and give you information on how to register for classes.
When: Friday, April 26th
Where: Little Theater
Time: Last Names A-L at the beginning of 2nd period, Last Names M-Z at the beginning of 4th period.
If you haven't applied to Mt SAC, it isn't too late. Go to to apply. You can sign up to take the placement tests at Mt SAC through their assessment center online at or by calling (909) 274-4265.
Mt SAC is hosting a Juniors' and Seniors' College Preparation Day on Saturday, April 27. They will have representatives from UC's, CSU's and private universities, help with Financial Aid, information about Mt SAC, and the transfer process.
Space is limited, register online at