Monday, July 2, 2007

New Counselor Configuration

For the 2007-2008 school year our Guidance Department will have a new alphabet configuration. Students are assigned to a counselor based on the first initial of their last name. Following is how the new configuration will look:

Student Last Name Begins With: A-Ba
Mrs. April Aleman

Student Last Name Begins With: Be-Cl
Mrs. Beth Denny

Student Last Name Begins With: Co-G
Mr. Edwin Hodges

Student Last Name Begins With: H-Mi
Mr. Jeremy Hart

Student Last Name Begins With: Mo-Ri
Mrs. Nisrine Miramontes

Student Last Name Begins With: Ro-Z
Ms. Vickie Dayton

Students enrolled in AVID, Honors, IB
Mrs. Sara Hall

Students classified as English Learners levels 1, 2, 3
Mrs. Aida Sandoval

As always, we have an open door policy. We encourage you to come visit us...even if you don't have a class change or other issue. We love getting to know you!