Thursday, March 28, 2013

Senior Bulletin

Spring Break Edition
Thursday, September 29

Keep Working!  You have 42 days of school left in your high school career.

AP test takers:
The AP Fee Reducation Request is due tomorrow, Friday, March 29th.  Abolutely no exceptions!  Be sure you bring it in to the box by Mrs. Hall's door or to Mrs. Chavira.  If it's not turned in, you'll pay $89 per test.  (This is the middle page of the packet.  More packets are next to Mrs. Hall's door.)

FAFSA  Slackers:
You can still complete the FAFSA form and get $$$ for college.  For community colleges, there is a September 2 "second deadline".  For four year colleges, you might still qualify for the Pell grant (federal money).  During the break, log on to with your parent's tax information and get going.

FAFSA completers:
Congrats to the 191 Cal Grant awardees who earned big $$$ for college!  Don't forget to update your FAFSA with this year's taxes and any college changes.  Super important: be sure to go to the "webgrants4students" site to set up your account.  This will tell you whether or not you qualified for a Cal Grant, etc. Do this ASAP!

Four Year College Applicants:
Be sure you are reading everything you are sent, online and on paper!  CSU Applicants: Be sure to sign up for the EPT/ELM if you need it.  The CSU's all have different deadlines for this, so it's up to you to be sure you take it.  You can be admitted, then denied for not taking these tests.  Google EPT/ELM to sign up.  Do it now!

Community College Applicants!
You can apply NOW at CCCApply for all public community colleges in California!  If you applied to CSU Mentor, you can use that username and password.  The sooner you apply, the more likely you will get classes.  If you delay, you'll lose out!
If you are aplying to Mt. SAC, download, print and turn in the Summer Bridge application.  The deadline to apply for the Summer Bridge is April 19th.

Kiwanis of La Puente-Due March 31
Friends of Walnut Library-Walnut Residents only-Due April 15 by 11;59am
Council of African American Parents-for Black students-Due April 15
City of La Puente-must live within city limits (beyond Azusa)-Due at City Hall by April 16
Ada May Warner Rowland PTA Award-must be a member of NHS PTA-Due April 29
CSE Insurance Essay on Teen Safety-Due May 3

We have won all of these in the past years.  Get going!
Have a safe and peaceful Spring Break.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Gilbraitti Scholarship-$500 award
To be eligible: be between the ages of 16-20, attend a college or university in the Fall, and complete application form and essay prior to deadline.
Deadline: March 30th

Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award-$500 award
To be eligible: minimum of 50 hours of service during last 2 years, 3.5 GPA or higher, under 21 year of age, submit an essay.
Deadline:April 15th

Healthy Choices Scholarship-$500 award
To be eligible: enrolled in any sort of college or vocation school that is at least 2 years or longer, and be a Canadian or US resident.
Deadline: April 30th

Scholarship by Design Award-$500 award
To be eligible: high school senior, Canada or US resident, attending school full-time.
Deadline: May 1st

Caretenders Scholarship Program- $500 award
To be eligible: attending university, college, trades, or technical school in the fall, school must be in Canada or United States.
Deadline: May 31st

LM Scholarship Program- $1,000 award
To be eligible: GPA 3.0 or higher, enroll in 2 year or more school in the Fall.
Deadline: May 31st

Rogers Community Volunteer Scholarships-$500 award
To be eligible: enroll in college in the Fall, have done at least 10 hours of community service, and GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Deadline: June 1st

Sedary and Associates Scholarship-$500
To be eligible: be enrolled in trade, vocational, community or university in the Fall, submit essay/application by deadline.
Deadline: June 15th

Lift Parts Express Scholarship- $1,000 award
To be eligible: current Senior in high school or freshmen/sophomore in college, resident of Canado or United States, enrolled in school in the Fall.
Deadline: June 30th

If you didn't apply for Financial Aid by the priority deadline of March 2nd, it's not too late to apply!  Apply right away!  By submitting a FAFSA, you can still be eligible for Federal money and financial aid at the community colleges.  See your counselor for help.

Mt SAC DSP&S Info Sessions for Special Education Students

Mt SAC offers many wonderful services to Special Education students through their office of Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S).  They will be hosting a series of informational sessions for our Seniors.  During these sessions, students will get information on enrolling to Mt SAC and how to access services.  Students through the DSP&S office get priority registration!

The next meetings will be:
Thursday, March 28th at 1pm
Friday, April 19th at 2pm
Tuesday, May 7th at 4:30pm
Wednesday, May 29th at 3:30pm

Space is limited at each session so RSVP's are required.  RSVP at (909) 274-4290.