Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Testing Timeline for Juniors


TIMETABLE FOR TESTING – What happens next?

Use your PSAT scores to get ready for the SAT this Spring! Match the answers to the questions in the book. Be sure to understand the strategy of “educated guessing”.

NEXT STEP: Sign up for the SAT Reasoning test and the ACT!

The ACT is an alternative test to the SAT Reasoning test, used by all 4 year colleges and preferred by many. Many of our students do BETTER on the ACT! It does not grade off for guessing, and has a smaller Math section (but it does test in Science)

You should take BOTH. Be sure to take the WRITING option on the ACT.

You no longer need to take the SAT Subject tests for UC admission! BUT – some selective colleges (Ivy League, Stanford etc) still require them, and the UC’s will look at them if they are strong to help you in admission to selective majors (ie, take Math 2 for engineering).

DEADLINES for Spring tests are as follows:
SAT March 12 test - Deadline is FEB. 11
SAT May 7 test – Deadline is APRIL 8
SAT June 4 test – Deadline is JUNE 4

ACT February test – Deadline is JANUARY 7
ACT April test – Deadline is MARCH 4
ACT June test – Deadline is MAY 6

We will be getting more fee waivers if you qualify for free/reduced lunch. You can use 2 SAT fee waivers per year, and one ACT fee waiver per year. You should take 1 SAT and 1 ACT as a Junior, and take the SAT Subject tests in June (along with the SAT Reasoning test) if you are applying for selective colleges.

You have October, November and December of Senior year to re-test. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SENIOR YEAR TO START TESTING!! SAT and ACT are NOT required or used by community colleges.

We will remind you of deadlines, but it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be sure to sign up and take the tests! This is the first step toward college admissions.

JUNIOR GRADES are the MOST IMPORTANT! More important than SAT/ACT’s!! Be sure to do well on your finals!!!!!
QUSTIONS?? Please see your counselor!

Monday, December 13, 2010


December 7, 2010
College &Career Center – Room K4

The Senior Bulletins will now start listing scholarships
First, a few important reminders:

EOP – Cal State U Applicants
If you checked YES to the EOP box on your CSU application, you should be completing this application ASAP on csumentor. EOP can help a LOT with admissions, registration, even money, so do a good job! Get this done by mid-December.
If you are using your counselor/teacher as a referral and they don’t know you well, please complete a Senior Data Sheet (available in K4.) We need family background especially.
Counselor emails are our first initial, last name and @rowland.k12.ca.us.
Example: shall@rowland.k12,ca.us, bdenny, asandoval, bdayton
Teachers are the same. Be sure to give us plenty of time, and say thank you!
You can get this from Mrs. Hall, and she will mail or FAX it in. (they closed EOP early)

UC “Paper” Fee Waivers
If you checked the “by mail” option for 4 UC campuses, be sure you send in the green college board fee waiver AND the letter to the UC Processing Center.
If you need help with this, come in ASAP!

If you applied for UC, CSU or a private college already, please read every piece of mail and email carefully! They may request transcripts or other info THIS MONTH.
If you are not sure, ASK US. READ EVERYTHING !!
…and be sure to send your test scores directly to the colleges
on collegeboard.com and act.org. Let us know if you need help !!

Private Colleges
We need to focus on private and out of state colleges now –
The selective colleges have deadlines on January 1!
Please look up the info for the college (most are on commonapp.org),
and let your counselor know which schools need to be sent info.
Most need the Secondary School Report (which includes the counselor letter,
the transcript and the school profile) and at least one teacher letter, along with your essays and application – different for every school!
Please get busy NOW to give us time to do a good job.
QUESTIONS?? Please see your counselor.

Community Colleges
We will focus on these in early Spring!
Mount SAC will be visiting several times., including the Summer Bridge program.
The earlier you apply, the better chance of getting classes, transferring etc!

Please see the reverse side for important info!

The most important source for financial aid is the FAFSA form, which must be filled out for Cal Grants, Pell Grants and some loans, as well as some college scholarships.
We are having workshops for EVERY Senior during English on Thursday 12/9, and
also giving your parents a “jumpstart” meeting on Tuesday 12/7,
and a line-by-line workshop in January for more specific help.

The FAFSA form is available on fafsa.ed.gov (BE CAREFUL OF OTHER “SCAM” SITES!!)
It can be started now but CANNOT BE SUBMITTED UNTIL JANUARY 1!
Be sure you are applying for the 2011-2012 school year – very important!
Simple mistakes cost big bucks!
The DEADLINE for FAFSA is MARCH 2 – but file is ASAP!
(especially for private colleges, which allocate funds as FAFSA’s come in)

There are many scholarship opportunities, and students who are proactive get the most!
Sources include high tech: scholarship searches like fastweb.com, and
Low tech: checking the scholarship box in K4, your parents’ work, stores, radio etc.
You usually need to write an essay, and your UC personal statement usually works!
You also need letters of recommendation for many scholarships = ask teachers EARLY.
Some scholarships are very competitive (Gates Milennium, Coca Cola)
Some are slam dunk (City of La Puente, if you live in city limits)
Some require joining (PTSA – join for $5, eligible for state and local scholarships)
DO NOT PAY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS OR ADVICE! Lots of scams are out there.

Best bets:
Do your FAFSA asap – it’s the best source of money.
Do a search on fastweb.com – they have ALL of the scholarships and it’s NOT a scam.
READ THE SENIOR BULLETIN carefully and check the box in K4 daily !!

Black College Expo – 500 word essay on college. DUE DEC. 13!scholarships@thecollegeexpo.org
Young Entrepreneur – must operate own business! Due Dec.31 – www.NFIB.com/YEA
JFK Profiles In Courage Essay – Due Jan. 8 wwwjfklibrary.org
Gates Milennium – super competitive; underrepresented, citizen ,unwt.3.3 gpa, low income. gmsp.org
Washington Crossing – history/govt. interest. Gwcf.org, due January 15
Milken Scholars- 3.6 unweighted gpa, 1850 on SAT or 28 ACT, need – due Jan. 21!
CAC Collectors (essay on credit management req) Postmarked Jan. 31 scholarships@calcollections.net
Christermon Schol – parent/grandparent work in co.w/beverage license. Due 2/1.www. christermon.com
PTA Senior Scholarship – must join PTA! Due at the state office by Feb.1
KFC Colonel’s Scholars – 2.75 gpa, public college, citizen, need. Due Feb.9. www.kfcscholar.org
Girls Going Places – essay on business plans. Due Feb. 28. www.GirlsGoingPlaces.com.
CSU Fullerton Future Scholars – low income, 1st generation, 2.5 gpa. Due March 2.
Cabrillo Club – Portuguese descent. Due March 15www.cabrillocivicclubs.org
US Bank – random drawing, $1000! Apply at usbank.com/scholarship by March 31.

THERE WILL BE MANY MORE !!! K4 also has a printout of random opportunities.
Be sure to: search on fastweb.com
Have your parents check at their work.
Keep your eyes and ears open!

…AND be conscientious about coming by to check, asking for letters, etc!
THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Please take it seriously!

Friday, November 19, 2010

News Flash!

Important Reminders for 4 year college applicants!!

TODAY (Friday 11/19) is the LAST DEADLINE for SAT/ACT tests!
We are in the LATE DEADLINE phase = no fee waivers allowed!
You must sign up online with a credit card.
SAT is at collegeboard.com; ACT is act.org.
REMEMBER: You need EITHER the SAT Reasoning OR the ACT for CSU/UC;
You ALSO need 2 SAT SUBJECT tests for UC’s (must be taken on a different day)
You can sign up online until 10 p.m. tonight if needed.

UC/CSU applications are DUE NOVEMBER 30 !!!
If you have not started, get going this weekend!
CSU is at csumentor.edu;
UC is at universityofcalifornia.edu/apply.
You’ll need your transcript and info from your parents.

Tuesday 11/23 in A2, from 2nd to 7th. Teacher permission required!
You may also email Mrs. Hall for help:
PS: USC is due December 1.
Be sure to fill out a data sheet (in K4)for teacher/counselor recommendations.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Senior Bulletin # 10

Important Info For Seniors!!

UC/CSU Application Labs THIS WEEK!
Period 2 to 7 in the A2 lab-teacher permission is required. Please bring a transcript. You need to know your parent's estimated income and ssn# if you have one. Please come at the start of the period. Get started on the apps before coming. CSUMentor.edu for Cal stats and universityofcalifornia.apply.edu for UC's. CSU and UC apps are due by November 30th! Please do not submit them until we have checked them. It's easy to make mistakes that could keep you from getting in. Let's use this week to get them going.
If you already applied to CSU, be sure to:
1. finish the EOP portion if you are low income
2. sign up for placement tests if you need them.

Watch you mail and email for requests from the colleges. Keep and read everything you get.

SAT/ACT tests
The last test date for Seniors is December. If you want to attend any four year college, you must test by then. The CSU's require the ACT or the SAT reasoning test and the UC's also require two SAT Subject tests. The late deadline for December is this Friday, November 19th. You cannot use fee waivers-you must pay with a credit card. Sign up for SAT's at collegeboard.com. Sign up for the ACT at act.org. Be sure to send the scores tot he colleges (use the codes-you can do this after you test as well). Questions? Ask your counselor.
You do not need an ACT or SAT test for community colleges or for trade/tech/art colleges.

Next Focus:
Private and out of state colleges. Deadlines are from December 1 to March. Start doing research after you finish CSU and UC apps.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Senior Bulletin #6

It's November!! The year is flying by!!
Important Info for Four Year College Applicants:
SAT and ACT deadline is this Friday, November 5th!
This is the last test for Seniors who are applying for four year colleges. We are awaiting fee waivers for both tests. We will be in the A2 lab all day Friday to help.
CSU/UC application help all day Thursday (Nov. 4th) in A2
The counselors will help you with your application Periods 2-7. Teacher permission is required to miss class. Please come prepared-ask for transcripts beforehand, know your social security # if you have one and your family's income (estimated). Both CSU and UC applications are due by November 30th.
USC is due December 1st for scholarship consideration. Other private and out of state colleges due dates are from January 1 to April.
Three important things coming up:
College Week Live today and tomorrow (Nov. 3 & 4)-chat live with 300+ colleges, find over 2.5 million $$ in scholarships, great admissions advice, $10,000 scholarship for logging in. Go to www.collegeweeklive.com to register for free.
College Fair at Cal State Los Angeles, Saturday, November 6 from 10am to 1pm. College Representatives, Financial Aid, etc. Free event, free parking. RSVP at 562-692-5858 or log on to www.adc.asm.ca.gov/uh
PODER Education Celebration, November 20 at UCR from 9am to 2pm. Focus is on AB540 undocumented students going to college. BE sure to sign up at poderatucr@yahoo.com or call 951-827-3821.
PTSA-Join now for $5 and be eligible for several scholarships. Forms are in K4
Mt SAC will be here this Friday in the quad and in K4 at lunch
Financial Aid focus starts in December. We will visit classes to explain the FAFSA process and will have meeting for parents in English and Spanish on December 7 at 6:30pm.
Scholarship box will be officially out on Monday, Nov 8th in K4.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


FREE of charge and FREE food

In 2001, Governor Gray Davis signed Assembly Bill 540 which allows “undocumented” students the opportunity to access higher education and pay instate tuition. There are and estimated 408,000 undocumented students in California; of these thousands only 1 out of 20 high school seniors attends college. The reason for these low numbers of students in higher education is the lack of information regarding AB 540 and the high tuition costs. The Dream Act would provide certain undocumented students who graduate from US high schools, are of good moral character, arrived in the US as children, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment, the opportunity to earn conditional permanent residency. The conference is designed to educate and inform the community, parents & students, of such laws.

Please RSVP at: poderatucr@yahoo.com or 951-827-3821
Join our network at: groups.yahoo.com/group/poderatucr
Visit us at: myspace.com/poderatucr or Facebook Group: P.O.D.E.R at UCR
900 University Ave.
Riverside, CA 92521

Friday, October 15, 2010

College Fair

Majority Leader Charles M. Calderon presents the 4th Annual College Fair
Saturday , November 6, 2010 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
California State University, Los Angeles
Golden Eagle Conference Center
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
• Admissions Representatives from 30 Colleges & Universities
• Information About College Admissions Requirements & Application Process
• Financial Aid Workshops in English & Spanish
*This Event is FREE to ALL Parents & High School Students from the cities of Montebello, Pico Rivera, Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights and portions of Downey, Whittier, East Los Angeles, South San Gabriel, City of Industry, La Mirada, South San Jose Hills and Valinda. Parking is FREE!
Please RSVP at (562) 692-5858 or visit www.adc.asm.ca.gov/uh

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It’s October! Time to get going on four year college applications.

WHITTIER COLLEGE visits this Thursday during 2nd and 3rd!
This is a wonderful liberal arts college close to home,
CSU FULLERTON will be here on October 18 during 3rd period.
The focus is on teaching majors, but they’ll share other info about CSUF.
Teacher permission is required to attend! Passes in K4.

You have one week after testing to send your test scores officially to four year colleges.
If you used a fee waiver, you get 8 colleges free for the SAT Reasoning test, and
four colleges for free for the SAT Subject test.
(Remember only UC’s and selective colleges need the subject tests!
When you send one score, all of your previous scores are sent!
**if you tested this past Saturday (Oct.9), you can log on to your collegeboard.com account and send scores NOW, THIS WEEK. Don’t wait! It costs money later!
Some popular codes are:
CSU Mentor (goes to ALL Cal State campuses) – 3594, UC Berkeley - 4833, UC Davis – 4834 UCI – 4859 UCLA – 4837 UC Merced – 4129 UCR – 4839, UCSD – 4836 UCSB – 4835 UC Santa Cruz – 4852 USC – 4852, Cal Poly Pomona – 4082 CSU Channel Isl – 4128 CSU Dom. Hills – 2602 CSU Fullerton – 4589, CSU Long Beach – 4389 San Diego State – 4682
CSU Mentor should go to ALL CSU’s, but you can list specific campuses to be safe as well.
If you need help with this, please let us know!

CSU and UC WORKSHOPS in Room A2 !!
CSU HELP – October 18 and 28, periods 2 to 7
UC HELP – November 4, 18 and 23 – periods 2 to 7
Please get teacher permission to attend! We will help you complete the online apps.
Please go online to start the applications BEFORE you come – have your account set up, etc.
The website for CSU’s is csumentor.edu.
The website for UC’s is universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions.
Ask your counselor or Mrs. Hall for a transcript.
Our goal: CSU’s by Halloween, UC’s by Thanksgiving! (Both must be in by Nov. 30!)

This is the LAST TEST DATE for Seniors applying to 4 year colleges!
We are awaiting more fee waivers for both tests. Keep checking!

Check in K4 for current scholarships, including:
Dreamer’s Challenge – essay/artwork. DUE OCT. 15. Apply at DreamersChallenge.org.
Coca-cola – national, very competitive! DUE OCT. 31. Apply at coca-colascholars.org.
Prudential Spirit. LOTS of community service req. DUE NOV. 1. Apply at spirit.prudential.com.
Christermon Foundation – Parents/grandparents in beverage industry. DUE FEB.1.
JFK Profile in Courage Essay. DUE FEB. 8. Apply at jfklibrary.org.

We will focus on the FAFSA in December! This gets you Cal Grants, Pell Grants etc.
Go on fastweb.com to search for more scholarships.

Be sure to complete a SENIOR DATA FORM if you will be asking for letters of rec. from your teachers and counselors for scholarships and private colleges! Forms are available in K4.

GET GOING ON YOUR CSU AND US APPS! Come to the workshop next week for help!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Military Academy Day

Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano
38th District of California
Military Academy Day – 2010
An opportunity for students to learn about free educational opportunities in U.S. military academies and have your questions answered directly by academy representatives
Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Registration: 9:00am
Event: 9:30am-11:30am
Location: Southeast Academy High School
12940 E. Foster Rd.
Norwalk, CA 90650

Representatives from:
Ø U.S. Military Academy, West Point
Ø U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis
Ø U.S. Air Force Academy
Ø U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Ø U.S. Coast Guard Academy

RSVP: Hector Elizalde at (562) 801-2134
e-mail hector.elizalde@mail.house.gov
(Please see map on reverse side)

23rd Annual Parent Bilingual Conference

The Cal Poly Pomona Mexican Student Association invites you to their 23rd Annual Parent Bilingual Conference to be held at Cal Poly Pomona's Bronco Student Center, Building 35 on Saturday, October 30 from 8:30am to 3:00pm. The conference is free to all parents and students. Lunch and childcare will be provided. There will be workshops on college admissions, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Financial Aid, AB 540.
To attend, please RSVP by October 23rd to (909) 869-3626.

Senior Bulletin

October 6, 2010 College & Career Center, Room K4

SAT November Deadline!
The deadline for the November 6 SAT is this Friday, October 8!
Either the SAT Reasoning test or the ACT is required for 4 year colleges.
UC and some private colleges also require SAT subject tests.
We are awaiting more fee waivers.
If they aren’t here by Friday, you may apply on paper with a letter.
See Mrs. Hall if you have questions.
FREE SAT PREP HELP at Ineedapencil.com! Log on to prep for Saturday’s test!

through the SAT and ACT sites! One score to any UC will go to all, and there is
one code for all of the CSU campuses (3594 – csu mentor).
You have up to one week after you test to do this.
Ask counselors for help if you need it. We can do this in K4 at lunch!
Colleges need scores sent directly from the test companies.

(You do NOT need SAT for Community and Trade/Tech colleges!)

Apply on csumentor.edu. Be sure to write down your user name & password!
You can get started on your own, but don’t submit until we’ve checked it!
Ask your counselor for a transcript and an information sheet to get started.
IMPORTANT: On October 18 and 28, the counselors will provide
on-line CSU application help all day in the A2 lab – teacher permission required!
CSU apps are due by Nov. 30, but we want to get them in by October 31!
The UC site is open now, but finish the CSU apps first!

Cal Poly has two events coming up:
PREVIEW DAY is Sat. Oct. 16.
Annual Parent Bilingual Conference for the whole family – Sat. Oct. 30.
Information is available in K4.

Azusa Pacific University – this Friday 10/8 during 6th period in K4
Whittier College – Oct. 14, pers. 2 & 3 in Theatre
Cal State Fullerton – Oct. 18, Period 3 Theatre (teaching focus)
USC – November 1, period 3 in the Theatre
November 2 – Scripps College (Women’s College – Claremont ) – per. 5 in K5
You must get teacher permission to attend! Passes in K4.

Dreamers Challenge Scol – essay/artwork/audio. DUE OCT. 15. Apply at DreamersChallenge.org.
Coca-Cola – National; very competitive! Apply online at coca-colascholars.org by OCT. 31.
Prudential Spirit of America – LOTS of community service. DUE NOV.1. Apply at sprit.prudential.com.
JFK Profile in Courage Essay- DUE FEB. 8.. Info at www.jfklibrary.org
Christermon Foundation – parents/grandparents in beverage industry - due Feb. 1
College scholarships also available – Pitzer, Scripps, Wasington U in St. Louis etc.!!
CHECK THE BOX IN k4 at lunch !!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


The West Covina Sunrise Rotary is offering scholarships in the amount of $750 and $500. To apply, a student must be graduating, live in West Covina or attend Nogales High School, West Covina High School, South Hills or Coronado. The application deadline is June 18th. Please see your counselor for an application.

Summer School

Summer school starts on Monday, June 14th. If you did not register for summer school and would like to take classes, you will need to come to the Manor at 1pm on the first day of summer school and try to add classes. Spots in classes will be given on a first come first serve basis.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mt SAC's Disabled Student Programs and Services presents Planning For College

Planning for College will be held on Tuesday, May 4th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Founders Hall, Mt SAC.
The event is hosted by Mt. SAC's Disabled Student Programs and Services. They will cover information about the services and acommodations offered to disabled students, meet the DSP&S staff and faculty, tour the High Tech Center, and learn about academic and vocational programs of study. For more information cpmtact Silva Arzunyan at (909) 594-5611 ext 4290.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

SAT Practice Test

Juniors, this is a great resource for helping you prepare for the SAT's. The Rowland Heights Library and Kaplan present the SAT Practice Test on Saturday, May 8th from 9:30am to 1:30pm. This will help you get ready for the real exams and see how you will score without affecting your college record. You will also receive a report showing strengths and weaknesses. They will also be hosting a SAT test strategies 101 results seminar on Thursday, May 13th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. If you are interested call the Rowland Heights Library at 626-912-5348 or see your counselor for an informational flyer.


Don't pass up these opportunities for scholarship money!

The FOR US Foundation is offering a scholarship for $500 to graduating seniors of our school district. Pick up an application from your counselor. Applications are due Friday, April 30th.

These are scholarhips for minority students...check them out!
1) BELL LABS FELLOWSHIPS FOR UNDER REPRESENTED MINORITIES http://www.bell-labs.com/fellowships/CRFP/info.html
2) Student Inventors Scholarships http://www.invent.org/collegiate/
3) Student Video Scholarships http://www.christophers.org/vidcon2k.html
4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships http://www.coca-colascholars.org/programs.html
5) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships http://www.aynrand.org/contests/6) Brand Essay Competition http://www.instituteforbrandleadership.org/IBLEssayContest-2002Rules.htm
7) Gates Millennium Scholarships (major) http://www.gmsp.org/nominationmaterials/read.dbm?ID=12 http://www.gmsp.org/nominationmaterials/read.dbm?ID=12%20
8) Sports Scholarships and Internships http://www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships.html
9) National Assoc. Of Black Journalists Scholarships http://www.nabj.org/html/studentsvcs.html
10) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary) http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mb/mrphr%20/jobs/stw.HTML
11) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org/sk_v6.cfm
12) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships) http://www.finaid.org/
13) Presidential Freedom Scholarships http://www.nationalservice.org/scholarships
14) Microsoft Scholarship Program http://www.microsoft.com/college/scholarships/minority.asp
15) Hope Scholarships &Lifetime Credits http://www.ed.gov/inits/hope
16) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students http://www.apsanet.org/PS/grants/aspen3.cfm
17) Guaranteed Scholarships http://www.guaranteed-scholarships.com/
18) Maryland Artists Scholarships http://www.maef.org/
19) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students in South Florida ) http://www.jackituckfield.org/
20) Historically Black College & University Scholarships http://www.iesabroad.org/info/hbcu.htm
21) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students http://www.beanactuary.org/minority/scholarships.htm
22) International Students Scholarships &Aid Help http://www.iefa.org/
23) Siemens Westinghouse Competition http://www.siemens-foundation.org/
24) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds http://www.lulac.org/Programs/Scholar.html
25) CollegeNets Scholarship Database http://mach25.collegenet.com/cgi-bin/M25/index
26) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid http://www.aflcio.org/scholarships/scholar.htm
27) Federal Scholarships &Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel http://www.blackexcel.org/25scholarships.htm
28) Scholarship &Financial Aid Help http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm
29) FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form &Info) http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
30) Aid &Resources For Re-Entry Students http://www.back2college.com/
31) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world) http://www.sit.edu/studyabroad/packard_nomination.html
32) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities http://ccmi.uchicago.edu/schl1.html
33) INROADS internships http://www.inroads.org/
34) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships http://www.baeo.org/
35) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/undergrad/scholarships.html

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8th Grade Registration

Counselors will be out to the middle schools next week to register 8th graders for next year's classes and summer school.
Oswalt: April 14th
Rincon: April 19th
Giano: April 20th
We will be meeting one on one with students during their science classes.

Adelante Mujer Latina Conference

The largest event for Latinas in Southern California is here! Pasadena Youth Center hosts the Adelante Mujer Latina Conference on Saturday, April 24th at the Pasadena City College Campus from 8am to 4pm. The conference provides young high school girls the tools needed for a brighter future and to explore different career options.

How to Register: See Mrs. Sandoval or Mrs. Haywood for registration forms. Registration forms must be turned in to Mrs. Sandoval int he guidance office if you plan to travel on the school bus. Forms must be turned in by Monday, April 19th with $17 per person. You can drive to the conference on your own or ride the school bus (school bus transportation is free and space is limited to the first 50 girls who turn in their registration and bus slip).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Summer School at Mt SAC

If you are interested in taking summer school classes at Mt. SAC, please see your counselor. Mt. SAC will begin registering students for their summer school on April 5th through May 17th. You need to obtain a signed referral form from your counselor to register for Mt. SAC's summer School. Mt. SAC's summer school's 1st session runs from June 21st to July 8th and the 2nd session from July 12th to July 29th. Their summer school hours are from 2:30-8:30pm from Monday to Thursday.

Friday, March 19, 2010

College Info Night for Juniors!

We will be hosting our annual College Info Night for Juniors and their parents on Thursday, March 25th at 7pm (the same night as Report Card night...go there first).

We will cover important information including California college choices, entrance requirements, admission test deadlines, financial aid, and summer 2010 opportunities.

Spanish session will be in the Little Theater and the English session will be in K4.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

City of La Puente Scholarship

The City of La Puente is offering 37 scholarships, each in the amount of $500. The scholarships are available to high school seniors, adult education students, and Veterans returning to school. The scholarship application and guidelines are available online at www.lapuente.org. Application packages must be received by 5:30pm on April 5th. If you have questions, contact Adrian Garcia at (626) 855-1522.

Senior News Flash

The FAFSA deadline is this Tuesday, March 2nd. Yesterday was our last FAFSA workshop-congrats to those who completed it! You need to apply on your own and have your counselor check it. Go to fafsa.ed.gov (not com!) and use your parents' tax information from 2008 or 2009. Get it done!

Scholarship season has started! The scholarship box in K4 is full! Start coming by during 8th period or at lunch. Deadlines vary from March through May. Two and Four year college students can apply.

CSU Applicants
Be sure you have taken the EPT/ELM test if needed. Students who haven't finished by March may be dropped from admission. Go online to register-Cal Poly has a March 20 test.

All four year applicants, be sure you sent your test scores to campuses! Read everything you are sent-emails, letters, etc. Some schools (CSUF) expect you to build a portal to check for info. This does not come to the counselors. You have to check often!

Community College Applicants
Fall applications for most community colleges start at the end of March. Most are online. The sooner you apply, the better your chances of getting classes! All of the colleges are impacted now.

UC Berkeley and CSU Fullerton will be visiting in March. Dates will be posted on Monday. Teacher permission is required.

Use Spring Break to visit colleges. Most campuses will be open while we are on vacation. Visit both two and four year colleges to help you decide which school is best for you.

Friday, February 19, 2010

LA's Prom Closet is now taking Applications

The "Dress to Remember" event will take place on Saturday, March 27, 2010.
To qualify for a free prom dress* and other accessories, students must attend a high school in Los Angeles County, and is a graduating senior who is financially unable to attend their prom.
Students must present a high school identification card or other photo ID at the shopping “Dress to Remember.” Students will receive one prom dress and accessories that are available.
Applications are now available for 2010. Please see your counselor for an application. We will begin accepting applications beginning January 11, 2010. The submission deadline for referrals is March 15, 2010 by midnight.
All applications must be submitted by any of the following professionals: a high school faculty member, a guidance counselor, a social worker, or a prom activities director.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Financial Aid Workshop

We will be holding our first Financial Aid Workshop this Wednesday, February 10th from 1-4pm in the library lab. Please sign up at the reception desk in the main office.
Our next workshops will be held on February 12th and 24th. Please make sure to attend a workshop.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Important Financial Aid Dates

Financial Aid Application (FAFSA) Workshop Dates:
January 13: Financial Aid Night in English and Spanish in the Manor and Little Theater at 6:30pm
February 10: FAFSA Online Workshop in the Library, Periods 6, 7, and after school
February 12: FAFSA Online Workshop in the Library, Periods 2-5
February 20: Cash For College at Mt SAC from 9am to 2pm
February 24: Online FAFSA in the Library from 1pm-4pm

Financial Aid Fridays: Jan. 15, Feb. 12, 19, 26, March 5, 19, April 2, 23, May 7, 12
Lunch time only walk-in Q&A in Mrs. Sandoval's office in the Guidance office.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parent Workshop

NHS if offering a parent workshop to help you prepare your student for finals. Finals will be the week of January 18th. The Parent workshop will be held Monday, January 11th in the Manor at 8:30am and again at 6:30pm.

Finacial Aid Workshop

Happy New Year! We're in the last few weeks of the Fall Semester! It goes fast from here until graduation. We are starting off the year with a Financial Aid Workshop. Seniors can start officially filing FAFSA forms. The deadline to file the FAFSA for CAL grant consideration is March 2nd. To get started on your FASA, visit http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. Make sure it's the government's Financial Aid web site, because there are a lot of "scam" sites out there. Never pay for help with filling out your FAFSA!! We are here to help.

The Financial Aid Workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 13th at 6:00pm in the Manor (English) and the Little Theater (Spanish).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Performing Arts Scholarship

Deadline to apply-- Jan. 15, 2010
Offered by The Friends of Arts Education at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts: Scholarships (up to $12,000) to Southern California high school seniors who wish to pursue a career in the performing arts either on stage or as teacher, therapist, administrator, entertainment lawyer, etc.
Scholarships are offered in five categories:
(1) Classical Voice
(2) Dance
(3) Drama
(4) Instrumental Music
(5) Musical Theatre (voice)
Scholarship winners are selected by a panel of professional artists and arts educators. Winners are given the privilege to perform on the main stage of the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. Prior to the performance, they are coached by professionals in their fields in preparation for the big day.
Guidelines and application available at: