Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It’s scholarship and Financial Aid season!


Be sure to get going on your FAFSA form for state and federal aid!  Go to fafsa.ed.gov to get a pin number and complete the FAFSA.  BEWARE!!! There are imitators that look like the FAFSAfafsa.com, etc.  You NEVER have to pay to complete FAFSA or apply for scholarships.  If in doubt about a site, ask us!

Mrs. Sandoval will have FAFSA workshops on 1/30, 2/12, 2/20 and 2/27 in the library from 12:15 to 5 p.m. 12:15 to (3 p.m. on 1/30).  Bring your parents!   The DEADLINE for the FAFSA in MARCH 2 !!

CASH FOR COLLEGE (at Mt. SAC on Sat. 2/7 from 9 a.m. to 2p.m.)  is a great opportunity to get even more help with FAFSA.  You do not have to be applying to Mt. SAC to attend!


We will now start listing scholarships available at Nogales in the Senior Bulletin and on the guidance blog. Applications will be in the College & Career Center (K4).  EVERYONE should open a fastweb.com account for a FREE scholarship search!  Watch for scholarships at stores, parents’ work, etc!  Scholarship applications will be in K4 starting FRIDAY! (listed here by due date)

Asian Pacific Fund Scholarships – for Asian and Filipino students.  Deadlines from Jan. 23 (Batanao Filipino School) to March 25. wwwasianpacificfund.org

CA. State PTA Scholarship – student must join PTA ($5 in K4).  Service & activities most important. Must be RECEIVED by Feb. 1 = mailed by Jan. 28!

Best Buy Scholarship/ grades, service – Due Feb. 15! www.bestbuy.com/scholarships

City of La Puente Scholarship – must reside in city limits!  Due by Feb. 28 (RECEIVED,  not postmarked!)

ECLIPSE African-American Scholarship – 2.0 GPA, 4 yr. college. Due March 10.

 Hispanic Heritage Award – Hispanic, citizen/resident, 3.0+ GPA.  Due March 6! www.HispanicHeritage.org

Council of African American Parents – African American, 3.5 GPA.  Due March 13 (postmarked)

Tzu Chi Scholars – 3.0, financial need – Due March 31.

Kiwanis of La Puente/Industry – activities, need, service. Due March 31.

There will be MANY MORE! This is just the beginning! Read the Senior Bulletin & check in K4!  File your FAFSA by March 2 (earlier is better!) and start your fastweb.com account NOW!

JUNIORS – PSAT Results Explained!

PSAT scores are listed in two digits – SAT will be in three digits.

(Critical Reading 50 on PSAT will be critical reading 500 on the SAT.) 


Take your original testing book and score report.  Highlight every answer without a check (check mark is correct).  Go over answers with test book to see which questions gave you trouble.  The box at the bottom also lists suggestions for improvement.  REMEMBER: Random guesses are worse than leaving blanks!

When you take the SAT this Spring, first do all the questions you KNOW, then make educated guesses (you can CROSS OUT in book) and narrow the choices.  Do not be afraid to leave questions blank on the SAT! 

The UC system will use your BEST TEST DATE for all 3 scores.  CSU’s and private colleges will MIX AND MATCH for the best scores.

Testing calendar for this Spring:


MARCH 14 TEST – the DEADLINE is February 10

MAY 2 TEST – the DEADLINE is March 31

JUNE 6 TEST – the DEADLINE is April 15

Sign up at collegeboard.com

IMPORTANT: if you are applying to UC or other selective colleges, you must take BOTH the SAT Reasoning AND the SAT Subject tests!  They are offered on DIFFERENT DATES.  Subject tests: US History, Math II, Spanish, French, Bio, Chem, Physics, Lit.  YOU SHOULD TAKE THE US HISTORY TEST THIS SPRING IN MAY OR JUNE!  You take 3 subject  tests on a Saturday; colleges will pick your top 2 (UC) or 3.


This is an alternate test for the SAT Reasoning, used by all colleges in the US.  This test allows you to guess, and has sections on reading, math and science.  You should take the PLUS WRITING option if you are applying to UC’s (CSU’s do not require the writing test – we encourage you to take it anyway!).

APRIL 14 ACT – DEADLINE is Feb. 27


Sign up at act.org

Suggested testing pattern for Juniors:

Take the SAT reasoning in MARCH, MAY or JUNE ’09.  If goals include UC/selective colleges, take SAT SUBJECT TESTS in MAY or JUNE.  Take the ACT in APRIL or JUNE.

 You will have 3 chances to repeat these tests in Senior year, but DON’T WAIT TIL THEN to test! You’ll do better after experiencing the test as Juniors.  WATCH THE DEADLINES THIS SPRING!  Mark your calendars!  And remember: good grades in strong classes are more important than tests !!!  Please get help from your counselor if you have questions !!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Driver's Education Class

The new Driver's Ed class starts January 26th. It is only offered 1st period and you must have 1st period clear to enroll. The class is 8 weeks long and you must be at least 15 years old to enroll (grades 10, 11, and 12). If you are interested, please see your counselor immediately.

8th Grade Parent Night

This orientation meeting for parents of and for our incoming 8th grade students will be held on January 29th at 6:30pm in the gym. There will be presentations regarding our Career Pathway programs that will prepare students for starting high school in the fall.

Mt. SAC Senior Day

Mt. SAC's annual Senior Day will be held on March 4th. If you are planning on attending Mt. SAC in the fall and are interested in attending Senior Day, see your counselor ASAP. You must pre-register for Senior Day and space is limited.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Parent Education Workshops

Nogales will be holding a series of educational workshops for parents. The next workshop will be held on Monday, January 12th from 6:30-7:30pm in the Manor (Spanish) and the Little Theater (English). The topic is “How to Prepare for Finals.” For more information, contact Mrs. Louie at Nogales.

CAHSEE Tutoring

Class of 2007 and 2008...do you still need to pass the CAHSEE? In partnership with Mt. SAC, we are offering CAHSEE tutoring to help you pass it. It's not too late to get it done and receive your diploma.
Tutoring at Nogales High School is held every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 6:00pm in room K-4. The next CAHSEE testing will be in February. Start preparing for it now!
For more information, contact Mrs. Aleman or Mrs. Denny at Nogales.

Important Financial Aid Information

You are done with your UC and CSU applications! And you're probably right in the middle of your private school applications. Now is the time to start applying for financial aid. Get started right away! We are here to help you so don't miss out.

Jan. 12th: English 12 Senior Workshops Periods 1-7 in the Manor.
Jan. 14: Financial Aid Night 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in the Manor(English) & Little Theater (Spanish).
Jan. 30, Feb. 12, 20, 27: 12:15 – 3:00 p.m. in the library.


There is information you need to have available in order to complete the FAFSA worksheet or the FAFSA application. You will need to have your name, birth date and social security number. Your name has to be listed exactly as it appears on your social security card. You will need to provide information on your parents. If you live with only one parent than you only need the information for the parent you live with. Here are the key items you need to know:
Parents’ birth date, parents’ social security number (usually found on the tax return we are going to use, and date of marriage, divorce, separation or death (you will need the month and year for the marital status of your parent).

Savings and checking accounts – you need to know the balance. If your parents only have a checking account they use to pay bills, you only need to list the balance left over after they pay their bills.

You need the 2008 Federal Tax Returns including the W-2’s for you and your parents. If your parents haven’t filed yet, you can use the 2007 Federal Tax Returns and W-2’s.
If your parents do not file taxes and they are on fixed income, i.e. unemployment, social security, retirement pension or public assistance, you just need to know how much they get per month and you will multiply by 12 months to get an annual dollar amount.

If your parents are self-employed and own their own business you need to ask them how much the business is worth? Usually the person that does their taxes can give them an amount.
Once you have all this information you can start completing the FAFSA worksheet, answer each question and don’t leave blanks. If you get to a question you don’t understand, circle it and ask during the on line workshops or during lunch time on Fridays you can see Mrs. Sandoval
Once your worksheet is complete you can get on line and start the FAFSA application. Go to www.fafsa.ed.gov and get started. Make sure when you select the application year from the drop down menu that you select FAFSA application 2009-2010.

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT/MAIL FAFSA IS MARCH 2, 2009 to be eligible for the state money (CAL GRANTS).

Mt. SAC High School Classes

Mt SAC is currently registering students for the winter 2009 semester. Winter 2009 semester will begin on Monday, January 12, 2009. If you are planning on taking a class at Mt SAC's high school community program, see your counselor right away. You will need a referral from us.