Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer School Information

Summer school will be held at Telesis Academy of Math and Science at 2800 E Hollingworth St, West Covina, CA 91792.  The ROP Forensics class will be held at Santana High School located at 341 S. La Seda Rd, La Puente 91744.
Summer school begins on Monday, June 9, 2014 and ends Friday, July 13th. Students are to report to their classroom and come prepared with pencils, pens, & paper.
Students who miss the first day of summer school will be dropped from their class. 
Students who wish to add a class for summer school may do so on the first day of summer school at 1pm.  Counselors will be located in front of the building facing the parking lot.  This is first come, first serve.
Attendance during Summer school is voluntary. If a student misses more than 2 or 3 days (depending on the class), they will be dropped from their class.

Summer School Schedule:
1st period 7:30 a.m.-10:02 a.m.
4th period 10:13 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
7th period 1:15 p.m.-3:47 p.m.

Summer school schedules to current Nogales students will be handed out during lunch at the bottom of the gym steps on Wednesday, May 21st, Thursday, May 22nd, and Friday, May 23rd.  Schedules that were not picked up will be available in the Guidance Office in E2. 
Schedules for incoming 9th graders will be mailed home.
New This Year!
On our school web site, students can find what class(es) they are registered with their 10-digit student ID number (not your lunch number or state ID number).  Click here to visit the Summer School web page on our school web site.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mt SAC EOP Applications

Mt SAC is currently taking applications for their EOP program.  To apply, you must go the EOP office on the first floor of the Student Service Center (building 9b) at Mt SAC. 
Entrance into the program is first come, first serve.  The sooner you apply, the better chance you have of getting in.

To qualify for EOP you must:
1. Be at or below English 67/AMLA 43W or Math 51 for fall semester (placement tests)
2. Must show eligibility for the Board of governors Fee Waiver with a 0 EFC (Financial Aid tab in your student portal)
3. Have less than 40 college units with a 2.0 GPA
4. Full Time student

Questions??  Call 909-274-4500


Very Important Reminder for Seniors!
All Adult School, Mt SAC and AVENTA classes must be completed and grades turned into your counselor by Friday, May 30th before 3:30pm.  CAR hours must also be turned into your counselor by the same date and time.
Get with it Seniors!  Time is running out...13 SCHOOL DAYS LEFT TILL GRADUATION WEEK!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Got College?

Did you miss the May 1st deadline to declare your college choice?  Did you miss the application deadlines for colleges?  Did you not receive acceptance notices?  Well, it's not too late!
There are colleges and universities through the US that still have room and are taking late applications for the Fall.  And they have financial aid available too!