Thursday, May 24, 2007

Got College???

If you still don't have your post graduation plans set and you want to go to college, it's not too late! There are still some CSU campuses taking applications (you must have taken the A-G required classes). Visit to see what CSU schools are still taking applications.

Also, this is the time to start registering for community college. The later you wait, the higher risk you run of not being able to register for the classes you want. Remember, you'll need to take placement tests before you can register for classes. Register online or visit the College and Career Center to get paper applications for Mt. Sac, Rio Hondo, Fullerton, and Citrus college.

Oh...and Financial Aid! It's not too late to submit your application. You never know what aid you might qualify for and you'll need to submit a FAFSA to get a student loan. Apply online at See your counselor or Mrs. Sandoval with any questions.