If your goal is to attend a four year college after high school, you need to take the SAT and/or ACT test this Spring!!
For CSU admission, you must take the SAT Reasoning test and/or the ACT test. The writing test is not required.
For UC admission, you must take the SAT Reasoning test and/or the ACT, AND take two SAT Subject tests (Math II, US History, Foriegn Language, etc). Selective private colleges also require the SAT Subject Tests.
Here is a suggested timetable:
March '08-SAT Reasoning Test (Deadline is Tuesday, January 29th)
April '08-ACT test (Deadline is March 7th)...Take the ACT Plus Writing for UC's!
May '08-SAT Reasoning Test or SAT Subject Test (For UC's or selective colleges) (Deadline is April 1st!)
June '08-SAT Reasoning or Subject test (Deadline is May9th). ACT test (Deadline is May 9th)
Your goal should be to take the SAT and the ACT by June '08. If you plan to apply to UC's, you should also take the Subject tests by June '08. You cannot take the SAT and the Subject Tests on the same day.
You may repeat these tests in October, November, and December, but you don't want to wait till Senior year to take them for the first time. The colleges will use your BEST scores when you apply as a Senior and repeating the test almost always improves your score.
To sign up for the SAT, go to http://www.collegeboard.com/
To sign up for the ACT, go to http://www.act.org/
Questions, see Mrs. Hall in K4 or email shall@mail.rowland.k12.ca.us