Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fullfilling Our Dreams Scholarship

“Fulfilling Our Dreams” Scholarship Fund is now taking applications. SALEF established the Fulfilling Our Dreams Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships to Salvadoran, Central American, and other Latino college students. Scholarships range from $500 to $2,500, and are awarded annually. SALEF places emphasis on experience in community service for social change, therefore scholarship recipients are asked to serve as a mentor to a high school student who may not otherwise have a “role model” to look up to for guidance.

Eligibility Criteria
 Applicants must be of Central American or other Latino ethnicity.
 Applicants must demonstrate financial ne ed.
 Applicants must possess a minimum 2.5 GPA.
 Applicants must demonstrate a history of community involvement.
 Applicants must be either: a) graduating High School seniors, b) current
undergraduate, graduate and professional students or c) community college students*
o *must be AB540
 Applicants must reside and study in California; or the cities of Houston, TX; or
Washington D.C.
 Applicants must be willing to give back to the community by becoming a mentor to a
high school student or completing the equivalent in community service hours.
^SALEF Scholarship is a one-time award. Former SALEF scholars are ineligible.
^^ SALEF Scholarship is open to all qualifying students regardless of immigration
For more information contact SALEF or see your counselor.
Tel (213) 480-1052