Friday, October 3, 2008

Senior Bulletin

Senior Bulletin
Volume 2-October 3, 2008
Class of '09: It's October!
CSU and UC application time has started. Next week, starting on Wednesday, October 8th, we will begin period by period workshops on how to complete an online applications. Eligible students will get a notice in 1st or 2nd period. You'll be able to come any period. We'll give you a packet to get started.
Just A Reminder
To be eligible for CSU and UC, you need to complete the A-G requirement classes AND take the SAT Reasoning and/or ACT test no later than this December! (UC also requires 2 subject tests by December.) The December ACT deadline is November 2nd and the deadline for the SAT is November 5th. There is plenty of time to sign up. Fee waivers are available. YOU DO NOT NEED THESE TESTS FOR A COMMUNITY COLLEGE! CONFUSED? Ask you counselor.

The Priority Filing period for Cal State University campuses is October 1-November 30th. We wnat to be finished with the CSU applications by October 31st! The are very simiple-no e3ssay. letters, etc. You can go to to start, but don't submit til we've checked. After CSU applications, we will work on the UC application and finish those by Thanksgiving.
Important Things To Remember
If you taking the SAT test this weekend, be sure you have your admission ticket, a simple calculator and a photo id.
College Info Night
Tuesday, October 7th in the Little Theater at 6:30pm in English and in the library in Spanish. We'll talk about both 4 year, community, trade tech, and art colleges.
College Fairs:
Rowland High School in the Hideout at 6:30pm on October 16th
Cal State LA at 1pm on Saturday, October 11th. Come by K4 for a map and directions.

If you questions about college, graduation, etc...see your counselor ASAP!