TIMETABLE FOR TESTING – What happens next?
Use your PSAT scores to get ready for the SAT this Spring! Match the answers to the questions in the book. Be sure to understand the strategy of “educated guessing”.
NEXT STEP: Sign up for the SAT Reasoning test and the ACT!
The ACT is an alternative test to the SAT Reasoning test, used by all 4 year colleges and preferred by many. Many of our students do BETTER on the ACT! It does not grade off for guessing, and has a smaller Math section (but it does test in Science)
You should take BOTH. Be sure to take the WRITING option on the ACT.
You no longer need to take the SAT Subject tests for UC admission! BUT – some selective colleges (Ivy League, Stanford etc) still require them, and the UC’s will look at them if they are strong to help you in admission to selective majors (ie, take Math 2 for engineering).
DEADLINES for Spring tests are as follows:
SAT March 12 test - Deadline is FEB. 11
SAT May 7 test – Deadline is APRIL 8
SAT June 4 test – Deadline is JUNE 4
ACT February test – Deadline is JANUARY 7
ACT April test – Deadline is MARCH 4
ACT June test – Deadline is MAY 6
We will be getting more fee waivers if you qualify for free/reduced lunch. You can use 2 SAT fee waivers per year, and one ACT fee waiver per year. You should take 1 SAT and 1 ACT as a Junior, and take the SAT Subject tests in June (along with the SAT Reasoning test) if you are applying for selective colleges.
You have October, November and December of Senior year to re-test. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SENIOR YEAR TO START TESTING!! SAT and ACT are NOT required or used by community colleges.
We will remind you of deadlines, but it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be sure to sign up and take the tests! This is the first step toward college admissions.
JUNIOR GRADES are the MOST IMPORTANT! More important than SAT/ACT’s!! Be sure to do well on your finals!!!!!
QUSTIONS?? Please see your counselor!