Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Senior Bulletin

February 29, 2012

The FAFSA deadline is this Friday, March 2nd!  You can use last year's tax information and change later.  Don't miss it!  Every Senior, technical/vocational, two and four year college bound should file a FAFSA.  Go to (not .com!) and file now.
Community College applications start mid-March.  Mt SAC is open now.  Go online and submit your application.  Mrs. Sandoval has the Bridge applications.

EPT/ELM tests are required for CSU applicants.  Check your EAP score to see if you are exempt.  SAT scores over 500 also count.  Google EPT/ELM to sign up.  Let us know if you need help.  Be sure to read everything you get from the colleges.  Check your portals often.

It's scholarship season!!  Apply online or come to the box in Guidance for paper applications.
Buick Achievers-engineering/tech/business/design majors at four year colleges
deadline: February 29
Fabric of Society-one NHS Senior guaranteed $2000!
deadline: March 1
TCU Chi Foundation-all Seniors, 3.0+ GPA
deadline: March 9
Eclipse Scholarship- for African American students
deadline: March 9
Italian Catholic Scholarship-must be both
deadline: March 15
CANERS Foundation-for agriculture majors
deadline: March 15
FOR US RUSD Scholarship-Application with Mrs. Hall
deadline: March 31
deadline: March 31
Kiwanis of La Puente-ok to live outside of La Puente
deadline: March 31
CALSAA Scholarships-Latinas/Latinos, need Superintendent's recommendation
deadline: April 15th
Compassion and Choices Essay Contest-All Seniors
deadline: April 16
CSU Fullerton Future Scholars: CSUF applicants, 2.5= GPA
deadline: April 20
Student-View Scholarship-open to all Seniors
deadline: April 22

Be sure to go to to search for other scholarships.  And don't forget to file your FAFSA.  Give your teachers/counselors plenty of time to complete recommendations.