Thursday, February 14, 2013


Keep applying for scholarships and don't forget to apply for Financial Aid.  Documented students can apply using the FAFSA at  Undocumented students, including students who applied for Deferred Action will apply using the California Dream Act application at  The deadline is March 2nd!  Questions?  See your counselor.  Our next Financial Aid workshops are tomorrow, Friday, February 15th in the Library from periods 2-7.  Our last workshops will be on Thursday, February 28th in the Library from periods 2-7.


The 1st Cycle of the Verizon Scholarship Awards Program offers 10 - $1,000 awards for current high school seniors who are residents of California, Oregon or Washington or who are planning to attend college in one of those states. They must be entering their first year of college in Fall 2013 at a 4-year, accredited college/university, and planning to major in math, engineering, or any science field.
The scholarship application and guidelines can be found at this website:
The deadline for all applications is midnight April 30, 2013.

CALSA, in partnership with De La Rosa & Co. seeks to fulfill its goal of “increasing the number of successful Latinos/Latinas” by offering no less than fifteen (15) scholarships to further the pursuit of higher education for Latino/a students. Each scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $1,000 for the 2012-2013 academic school year.
The link below takes you directly to the scholarship application.
The deadline for all applications is April 7, 2013.

Continue to check the scholarship page of the Guidance section of our school web site for more scholarship opportunities.
Happy Valentine's Day!