Happy New Year!!
Here are two great opportunities for classes to get credit for high school or valuable experience for future careers.
ROP is offering their Law Enforcement Exploring Academy. If you complete the class, you can get 10 credits toward high school graduation. And it's a great class.
Orientation is on Saturday, January 18th from 8 am to noon. The class starts on Saturday, January 25th. The class is held at Bassett High School in room 313. For more information, contact Deryl Jackson at djackson@lvprop.org.
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Attend a free Firefighter Preparatory Seminar to explore careers in firefighting. this is a one day overview about what to expect from the hiring process. The seminar is from 8am to 5pm at Western University, 309 E 2nd Street, Pomona. Dates: January 11, March 29, and May 31st.
Register online at fire.lacounty.gov.
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See your counselor for more information or to find out about other opportunties like these.