Thursday, April 11, 2013

Adelante Mujer Latina Conference

We'd like to invite our 9-12th grade Noble Ladies to attend the annual Adelante Mujer Latina Conference.  This is an awesome conference for young High School women of all ethnicities to learn about college and careers.
Over 124 workshops were presented by Latina professionals on a variety of career options and topics including, but not limited to: Business; Finance; Entertainment; Fashion; Creative Arts; Medicine; Science; Engineering; Law; Preparing for College and Financial Aid, just to name a few.
When: Saturday, May 11th from 7am to 3pm.
To Register: See Mrs Cortez at lunch or go to
Deadline to register is April 22, 2013
Cost: $20.  There are scholarships available to cover this cost.  See Mrs. Cortez
Transportation: We will provide a free bus for students that want to travel by bus.  Complete the bus permission slip and include it with your conference registration form and registration fee.  Bus leaves at 7:15am and returns at 4:00pm.